Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Leticia B and Maddie Go To New Mexico

Leticia A and Leticia B are playing in the kowhai tree. This will be the last time they climb the tree and play together because tomorrow Leticia B is flying with Maddie to New Mexico to live.

These two Funky girls are playing with their dolls. Maddie, on the left  tells Fay that she is flying to New Mexico tomorrow with Leticia B to live. Fay tells her she will be sad to see her leave Kowhai Corner.

The next morning at the airport Maddie is  with Leticia B who is saying her last goodbyes to Leticia A. Leticia A is sad that Leticia B is going to New Mexico but understands Leticia B’s need to pursue her soccer desire in New Mexico. She will be living with a family who loves soccer.

The call of their flight number has been announced to board the plane.  The two girls walk together to board the plane.

Goodbye Leticia B and Maddie. All the Groovy Girls and Funky girls at Kowhai Corner hope you have a safe flight and a happy future.

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