Monday, April 29, 2024

Groovy Girl Dolls 2024


Seraphina is sitting with her two Gingerbread men soft toys.

These Groovy Girls attended the 10 am Anzac Service on the 25th April 2024 at Anzac Park.

Kali and Celeste are sitting in front of a fence that has been decorated for Anzac in my suburb. Unfortunately I didn’t get the entire fence in the photo. There is a black cut out of a soldier on the right side.

This is one of the Dreamtastic series of dolls. She was produced in 2005. She is wearing someone’s nicely embroidered overalls.*

This is a McDonald's toy, 2008 Manhatten Group Ltd ILC. It is made in China. She is just over 10 cm in length.*

·         *2 Photos supplied by Pink Panther. Thanks

The twins, Kassidy and Kathleen are enjoying the sunny day.

Kayla has brought with her to Kowhai Corner a packet of Griffin’s Birthday Bikkie which Griffin’s have made to celebrate their 160th birthday.

Kate and Rachel have been following the Paris Olympic Games 2024 and New Zealand is very proud of Lisa Carrington’s success of winning gold medals at these games. It is New Zealand’s first world championships gold medal in a four –person boat.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Groovy Girl Doll Photo Album 2023 2

 Julia has brought a new car which is more comfortable for her and her seven dogs to travel in.

The dogs fit into the car and Julia can drive to Football practices.

Latasha, Fayla and Raina have been driven to Kowhai Corner by Julia where they will now live.

Dari is 20 cm high and is holding the lead of her dog which is white with different colour spots.

Raina and Fayla have turns riding Terry the horse.

Fayla, Dari and her dog, Raina and Latasha are sitting in the sun.

Polly has a new guide dog puppy for twelve months. It has come with a book by Kleenex called

Guide Dog Training.

Talli is with Raina, who is sitting in front of the Groovy Girl dressing table. They have both added a long hair piece to their hair.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Groovy Girls Dolls Photo Album 2023

 Jordan is practicing her writing, Blessed are the pure in heart. Be not weary in well doing.

The Kowhai Corner girl’s football team are sitting in front of the new name notice of the park which replaced the old notice in July.

Lourdes and Talli are standing by the poster which says, “It doesn’t matter how much you have. What matters is how much you are willing to give from what you have. 2 Corinthians 8: 12

This is the second year that Matariki has been a public holiday in July in New Zealand. Matariki is known as the Maori New Year and is marked by the rising of the cluster of stars named Matariki (Pleiades).

Julia has brought McDonalds for the children who are going to watch the final Woman’s Football game on television at her house tonight.  Spain won to England 1-0.

Kassidy has received the cup for the 2023 season of football for being the most improved player for the season.

Celeste and Phoebe are going on a horse trek today.

Leticia won the cup for football for being the most improved player for the 2022 season.

Kelsey has arrived to live at Kowhai Corner and is enjoying spending time outside.

William has recently had a second operation on his hips. Rachel is with him and together they watched the Rugby World Cup final between South Africa and New Zealand which was held in France on Sunday morning 8am NZ time. South Africa won 11-12. Rachel has been to Paris and wants to go back to France and William is hoping that in time he may be able to play rugby again.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Kowhai Corner Girls Football Team


Polly is busy sewing the uniform for the Kowhai Corner girl’s football team.

Polly has finished sewing the football team uniform and has asked the girls to call in to the sewing room after school to try the uniforms on and to each choose a number.

The girls have chosen the numbers they each want and put the tops on the table with the number on top. Oh! No! too many have chosen number 17. How will she decide who can keep number 17? Polly puts the girl’s names in a bag and the one she draws out keeps number 17. The other girls who chose 17 will choose another number.

It is a cold and overcast day the day of the football match between the Kowhai’s and Coaster’s. The girls travel in a van to the East Coast Bays Park where the match will take place. Kalvin is with the team and will play for either side if necessary.

Julia and CC are at the park to greet them and gets the teams organized. CC is going to be the referee for this game.

Kalvin and the Kowhai team notice Julia hasn’t put the numbers on her team’s uniform. Oh, well CC is the referee so that will be his problem! Only nine players from the Coasters team have turned up to this match.

Both teams enjoy the football game and the score is 0-0.

Julia has been to McDonald’s and comes back with takeaways and lets her five dogs out of the carry bag. 

Everybody involved has enjoyed the day.

Kalvin presents CC with a key ring and thanks him and Julia for arranging this match. Kalvin is given a pin of the mascot of the FIFA Woman’s Football World Cup. Next the Coasters will come to Kowhai Corner for a match.

*Julia is a chosen name not the name on her name tag.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

FIFA Women’s Football World Cup 2023 in New Zealand

 New Zealand and Australia is hosting the FIFA Women’s Football World Cup this year  between 20 July to 20 August 2023.

New Zealand’s women team played on the 20th July 2023 against Norway. New Zealand won the game, 1-0. Hannah Wilkinson, number 17, scored the goal.

The Kowhai Corner Groovy Girls football team are meeting today for a practice at the football field. 

They have been told that a guest from East Coast Bays Football Club is coming to show them some skills and take them for todays training session.

The Kowhai Corner football team have been told to come properly dressed for this training session. The rule for clothing to wear at practices is a plain top, no patterned material or a picture on the front and plain coloured shorts, no patterned material. How many girls have not kept to the clothing rule of the club? (The answer is at the end of story).

Here he is. CC walks towards the girls, he is not sure if this is a football team or not because of the distracting colourful clothing and no numbers on their tops. He has his bag with a water bottle, towel and other things in.

Kali jumps up and welcomes CC to Kowhai Corner and hands him the ball. CC starts his introductory talk by asking the team, “Who won the woman’s football in 2019?” (The answer is at the end of story). He is bouncing the ball around as he talks and soon gets the team up and involved in different exercises and skills. When the session ended CC said he will bring a team with him next month so they can put their skills to use.

New Zealand and Philippines played last night and the score was 1-0 to Philippines.

Suddenly, five dogs appear barking and running towards CC.

 A lady is running behind the dogs calling Lacy, Lorenso, Lily, Lottie and Lexi.

She gathers them all up and puts them in her car.

 The others walk over to the hall to have a drink and cupcakes that have been set out by Polly. Polly is going to be busy sewing shorts for the girls to wear for football.

CC was unable to meet up with Kalvin on this visit because he has covid.

The answer to the first question is U.S.A and the host country was France.

The answer to the second question is nine girls are wearing patterned t shirts or have a picture on the front and four girls are wearing patterned material shorts.

New Zealand and Switzerland played on 30 July 2023 and the score was 0-0. New Zealand is now out of the competition for the woman's world football cup. 

The final game was played in Australia between England and Spain. Spain won 1-0.

There will be a part two to this story.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023



The girls are on a stall giving away Anzac biscuits at the park after the 10 am Anzac service. They are next to a tent with tea and coffee available. There was no printed programme this year.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. The sisters are outside having a cup of tea with their mother who has gone inside to get the plates and knife for the cheesecake.  The poem is a Tribute to Mother by John Greenleaf Whittier.  

Matilda and Amanda are standing next to a cardboard container of Three Flowers dusting powder by Richard Hudnut. I think it is from the 1950’s or earlier. Unfortunately it has a scratch on the front. The older family member used the container to keep her embroidery cottons in.

This year, 2023, the NZ Girl Guides have pink biscuits for sale in the supermarket. They have a coating of pink chocolate on the back of them.

Hokey Pokey Flavour Lumps are new flavour  that were available in May of this year by Pascall. The description on the back of the packet reads: bursting with Hokey Pokey flavour! A delightfully chewy combination of Hokey Pokey flavoured lumps covered in delicious dark chocolate.